Sunday 19 November 2017

Week 5

Room 1 has been working hard on our topic (Aboriginal Myths and Legends) for this term. We have been listening to stories, experimenting with dot art, and making boomerangs.

The children made paper boomerangs that really fly!


We have also been working on our wall display of the 'Aboriginal Dream-time'.
The children have coloured some beautiful Australian animals and lovely 'body paint' to their 'humans'. It looks amazing!

This term we had a change to our sharing. The children had to bring along something that started with the letter or blend of the week. It has been a huge success, the children have been very creative with their sharing!


We have Cohen with his Fish in Frozen Ice in a Fry Pan, and Trelise with her picture Frame.

Mrs Wallace added to the fun by helping the children make Flowers last Friday. They are very beautiful!